So, after a year of procrastinating, I finally took the ZCE exam for the first time. Surprisingly, I passed it. I feel like I never got enough study time in, but somehow I passed. I owe some thanks to my former employer, ii2P, who paid for the voucher I used to take the exam (which costs about $250). For those of you preparing to take the exam. I would like to offer you access to a site I made to prepare myself for the exam. Send me an email to ask for access to it.
You can see my yellow pages entry on
I got a new job working for Dell. I work in the Lexington, KY Office, which is part of the Services division of Dell. I am still working in LAMP environments. We are working on adopting, adapting, and developing a car-sharing system, Autovera, which formerly belonged to Canadian company, Metavera.
After sitting on the domain and also developing a curiousity for node.js, I decided to repurpose and build it into a website were people can draw collaboratively in real-time using node.js and

Haven't heard of the Spartan Race? Neither had I, that is before some friends of mine asked me to join them in the race. My friends we gathering a group of 8 or so people, partially so they could get a group discount and partially to motivate each other. I told them I had never run a 5K. They explained it was a sort of obstacle couse, "more fun" than a 5K. But the Spartan Race in Utah (in 2011) was not going to just be a 5K spirint. No, it was not even a 5K obstacle course. It was going to be a "SUPER" Spartan. The Super Spartan is 8.5 miles of brutal obstacles. That's about 5 miles more than a 5K and about 8 miles more than I can run without having to walk and catch my breath! Yes it was not easy, especially the sun and mosquitoes (although I used plenty of sunblock and bugspray). .. Wait, I take that back, it was the burpees that were not easy!! You see, in the Spartan Race, you are required to do 30 burpees for every obstacle you do not successfully complete. For me, that ended up...
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I started working for a company called
ii2P on the 24th of May. I am still doing PHP web development but now more Joomla based. The people in the company are very nice to work with.
The fact that you are reading this means you are checking out my personal website. I just have to say that this site is very stale.. Sorry!

I can remember thinking how it is such a shame how many people stop developing their creative talents after a while. I was not sure what causes this and I would sometimes wonder: Was it a wife? a real job? kids? or just time? ... I spend a lot of time on the internet because of my job. I enjoy my job, but I find myself doing more off of the computer in my free time. I have been happily married for many years now. I find my hobbies changing these days as I spend less of my freetime with creative projects. Most of my time goes to my wife; next is my house; and lastly my time is used for personal things which I now lump all my creative projects. I still love to do grapic design and illustration professionally or for freelance, friends, or even a contest, but drawing just for fun has become a rare occassion. I used to love to develop this and my other websites, but with 8 hours of web development a day at work, I find developing my own sites not as amusing. ... I guess I have had a change...
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